- Which one is the first search engine in internet ?
- Archie
- Attavista
- Number of bit used by the IPv6 address ?
- 32bit
- 64bit
- 128bit
- 256bit
- Which one is the first web browser invented in 1990 ?
- Internet Explorer
- Mosaic
- Morzilla
- World wide web
- First computer virus is known as
- Rabbit
- creaper virus
- Eik cloner
- SCA virus
- Firewall in computer is used for
- Security
- Data transmission
- Authentication
- Monitoring
- A dual larger blue-ray disk can store data upto -
- 20GB
- 35GB
- 12GB
- 50GB
- Which of the following is not a database management software ?
- Oracle
- Sybase
- Cobol
- Number of layer in OSI(Open system Interconnection) model are -
- 9
- 3
- 7
- 11
- 1024 bit is equal to how many byte ?
- 1byet
- 128byte
- 32byte
- 64byte
- Which one is the first fully supported 64-bit operating system -
- Window Vista
- Mac
- Linux
- Window XP
- Which protocol is used to recived email
- POP3
- Which computer program convert assembly language to machine language
- Interpreter
- compiler
- Assembler
- Comparator
- In Which year '@' sign was first choosen for its use in emil address -
- 1976
- 1980
- 1977
- 1972
- Who is known as father of indian super computer
- Ragunath Mashelkar
- Vijay batkar
- Jayant Narikar
- Nandan Milkeni
- A folder in window computer can't be made with the name
- can
- con
- mak
- make
- A computer use which type of number system to calculate and to store data
- Decimal
- Octal
- Binary
- Hexadecimal
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