- The sun setting against the horizon makes Cairo seem magnificent.
- Musical instrument
- Texture
- Flower
- I don't know
- On a dare, Bob decided to jump in, knowing the water would be cold.
- Sport
- Plant
- Colour
- I don't know
- The pet store owner had seen Pavlov a lot of times.
- Texture
- Shape
- Size
- I don't know
- Look, I will not tolerate this nonsense anymore.
- Fruit
- Drink
- Colour
- I don't know
- After much drunken gin, eerie noises may be heard at night.
- Sport
- Professional
- Natural phenomenon
- I don't know
- As the mug was full, I very carefully added the cream.
- Body organ
- Colour
- Texture
- I don't know
- When you are through with washing the dishes, you may go and play.
- Natural phenomenon
- Food
- Texture
- I don't know
- We found the cup and saucer, both under the bed.
- Tree
- Natural phenonmenon
- Colour
- I don't know
- Mary buys Tom a cherry sundae.
- Body part
- Clothing
- Flower
- I don't know
- I agree not to eat all the cookies.
- Colour
- Texture
- Sport
- I don't know
- Flower. (Rose - The sun setting against the horizon makes CaiRO SEem magnificent.)
- Colour (Pink - On a dare, Bob decided to jumP IN, Knowing the water would be cold.)
- Shape (Oval - The pet store owner had seen PavlOV A Lot of times.)
- Fruit (Kiwi - LooK, I WIll not tolerate this nonsense anymore.)
- Professional (Engineer - After much drunkEN GIN, EERie noises may be heard at night.)
- Body organ (Liver - As the mug was fulL, I VERy carefully added the cream.)
- Texture (Rough - When you are thROUGH with washing the dishes, you may go and play.)
- Natural phenonmenon (Thunder - We found the cup and saucer, boTH UNDER the bed.)
- Body part (Stomach - Mary buyS TOM A CHerry sunday.)
- Colour (Green - I aGREE Not to eat all the cookies.)
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Winners - Daya,Avanish,Vijay,Priyanka,Ishita,Yogita,Prathavee With Ankur Sharma Camera man |
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